Regional Trainer Contact Information

Please enter contact information below. This information will be displayed on for community partners. 

As a Regional Trainer I agree to the following:

  1. I agree to follow the curriculum developed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program as provided by the University of Florida
  2. I understand that I may customize the first slide of the presentation with my name and agency affiliation and that no other content will be edited, deleted, added, or updated without written approval from FDOT.
  3. I agree to teach the course as instructed with a minimum duration of 2-hours as required by FDOT to participate in the helmet program
  4. I agree to teach the course free of charge to all stakeholders. 
  5. I agree to teach a minimum of 3 helmet fitter courses, annually.
  6. I agree to instruct course attendees about the requirements of the FDOT helmet distribution program and how to order bicycle helmets through the Florida Traffic Safety Resource Center (FTSRC).
  7. I agree to submit an attendance roster within 5 business days of course completion to 
By submitting this form, you agree to the terms outlined above. 

Required field(s) are indicated by an *.
The regional trainer list requires a method for prospective helmet trainees to reach you. Please indicate if you would like that method to be phone number, email, or both.
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